Aktualności Pożegnania PTMP Struktura PTMP Zalecenia i wytyczne Organizacja opieki paliatywnej Czasopismo "Medycyna Paliatywna" Wydarzenia PTMP Szkolenia Konsultanci EAPC |
Karta Praska (The Prague Charter)
Dostęp do opieki paliatywnej stanowi prawny obowiązek, potwierdzony przez konwencję Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych ( European Association for Palliative Care
Dear Ass. PTMP, We are delighted to announce the start of a new EAPC blog that aims to foster two-way communication with our members and the wider palliative care community. Every few days we’ll be posting ‘bite size’ information to encourage debate and discussion. During the coming months you can expect to see: updates from EAPC Task Forces and special projects, upcoming congresses; comment from EAPC Board members and, most importantly, news and comment from local, national and regional palliative care associations. There will be a strong focus on European perspectives of palliative care balanced with contributions from Africa, Asia, the Americas and Australasia so that we can truly explore and share different cultures and different models of care. So please visit our blog and respond with your views on our Facebook page or on Twitter. Tell your colleagues, tell your friends, and write about the exciting palliative care developments in your area. EAPC social media activities are led by the University of Bonn, the University of Lancaster and EAPC head office. If you wish to unsubscribe to the news please click here and modify your profile. European Association for Palliative Care
The EAPC starts a survey on palliative care information needs in Central / Eastern Europe (CEE) and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). European Association for Palliative Care
Dear representative of the EAPC collective members association,
As you probably know the 7th World Research Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care will be held in Trondheim, Norway 7-9 June 2012.
Like in the previous Forum and Congresses of the EAPC “all” members of your association can benefit of the reduced registration fee for members, but for getting this reduction your members have to be registered freely in the EAPC database online at: http://www.eapcnet.eu
As in previous EAPC events a Market Place will be organised to give the possibility to our collective members to have a booth in the exhibition area. Please let us know as soon as possible if your association is interested in taking part of it. We will inform you about the special condition EAPC will offer for the participation.
It would be most supportive if your association would help us in promoting the congress as follows:
Many thanks for your help.
We are looking forward to welcome you in Trondheim next year! Amelia Giordano Polecamy stronę dotyczącą opieki paliatywnej dla osób starszych
Polecamy stronę dotyczącą opieki paliatywnej dla osób starszych European Association for Palliative Care
Dear PTMP, Just a few more days to go and the biggest and most visited meeting in the European world of Palliative Care will be taking place in Lisbon, Portugal: The 12th Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care.
After many months of hard work the Scientific Committee is happy to announce that the final scientific programme is now available on the congress website click here to download it.
Don't miss a session and design your own programme. You are provided with the possibility to design your individual congress programme by importing all the sessions you would like to attend in your Outlook-calendar, click here.
We are also happy to already draw you attention to the collected abstracts which will be presented orally or by poster during the congress days. The printed abstract book will of course be included in the congress bag, but if you cannot participate you can nevertheless already download it by clicking here.
Kindest regards,
Amelia, Farina and Heidi
The EAPC Headoffice If you wish to unsubscribe to the news please click here and modify your profile © EAPC Onlus 2010 - All rights reserved - About the EAPC - Privacy - Disclaimer - Manage subscriptions Dear liaison persons of the EAPC collective members associations
As you probably know the EAPC has a new website which is not yet complete but gives a renovated distribution of the information in different areas. We invite you and all the members of your association to navigate on it and send comments/suggestions that will help us to improve it. Due to this recent migration the dedicated access for the association secretariat to the new association console is not yet ready, so the old access link is not working any more. You’ll get appropriate instructions of how to get access and use the new one as soon as it will be working. Best regards,
Amelia Giordano, EAPC head office,Via Venezian 1, 20133 Milano, Italy |